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Imi Lo

Imi Lo is a mental health consultant with extensive experience in mental health and psychotherapy across diverse international settings. She specializes in working with highly sensitive, intense and gifted adults. Her books, 'Emotional Sensitivity and Intensity' and 'The Gift of Intensity' are internationally acclaimed and available in multiple languages. She integrates psychological understanding with both Eastern and Western philosophies, such as Buddhism and Stoicism.

rebecca podcast

ADHD And How to Thrive When You Are Out-Of-Sync With The World- with Rebecca Champ

  • by Imi Lo

Today’s episode is special. Usually, I talk to guests who I have never met in person before. Today, we will interview Rebecca Champ, one of my most important friends. I have known Becca for 8 years now, I would like to share with you her energy, intelligence, compassion and humility.In the first part of the show, Rebecca teaches us everything we need to know about ADHD. But this episode is not just for ADHD-ers! In our conversation, we addressed issues such as shame and guilt, perfectionism and procrastination. Rebecca also shared with us how the biggest set back of her life changed her, and how pain teaches us to set boundaries.

corrie Lo podcast

Surviving Adversity With The Power Of Now – With Corrie Lo

  • by Imi Lo

I have found this conversation with Corrie Lo to be tremendously beautiful and vulnerable. Corrie’s strong spirit is revealed in every line she uttered, yet you cannot help but feel moved by her vulnerability. She reminds us of the internet fragility in human life and our place in it.

Post: release our family

Release Our Family, Free Our Souls- What Forgiving Them Really Means

  • by Imi Lo

By covering up our anger, prematurely moving into fake forgiveness, drowning our truths to protect others, letting go of our boundaries for surface harmony, we are bypassing an essential step in our attainment of emotional freedom. 

But how do we come to terms with our wounds? How could we, despite being deeply injured, move past and beyond our history? 

Fear of love Post

On Our Fear of love

It may seem paradoxical at first glance, but the answer to healing from defensive non-attachment is actually to affirm our ultimate autonomy and resilience. 

We push away good things in life because deep down, we worry that we would not survive losses and heartbreaks. 

If we know we are strong enough to go through grieve, disappointment and heartbreaks, then placing our trust in someone’s hand would become much less threatening. 

Quest for love- post

Our Quest For Love- What do we Really Want from Our Partner?

Sometimes, in an intimate partnership, we could not help but act out of unrealistic demands, projections, and expectations, as if we are testing the limit of reality.

We often, albeit unconsciously, look to our current relationships to fulfil our deepest unfulfilled needs and longings, to plug the gaps in our psyches, and to heal where we have been wounded. When our partner disappoints us, the situation provides valuable information that points to our deepest longings.

Through awareness and reflections, we realise what we are deeply hungry for – someone to mirror our expressions, to celebrate our existence, for us to trust and occasionally rely on, or to share a sense of kinship and likeness. 

addiction post

About Addictions and Compulsions

  • by Imi Lo

If we were to peel back, one layer after another, to the root of what now seems to be an unruly beast, we often find a tiny, fragile, tender seed of deprived need.

Because of their innate excitabilities, and the capacity to absorb and process a vast amount of information, they need a consistent supply of rigorous, ‘good quality’ stimulations, from a multitude of sources.

Physical activities, sensual comfort, emotional depth, intellectual discourse, cultures, adventures and having varieties in life— these are the essential nutrients for their health and optimal functioning.