This document, including the more detailed Terms and Conditions, constitute our contract (“Working Agreement”). Please review the following information carefully and do not hesitate to ask questions.
Imi P. Y. Lo – on behalf of Eggshell Transformations Limited.
By consenting to this Working Agreement, we are entering a consulting relationship.
Having a series of consulting session can be a transformative process that aims to increase your personal and professional awareness, and ability to generate insights and initiate growth. As your consultant, my role is to help you discover your life’s mission, align with your life’s values, and move towards your full potential both in life and vocational path. Rather than offering ‘treatment’, what we have is a partnership. Together, we will generate solutions and strategies that help you move to the next stage in your life.
At some point, you may experience uncomfortable feelings. This may be because you are hitting your learning edges and making changes in your beliefs or behaviors can be challenging. This is a process that requires active input on your part. I am committed to working with you and alongside you, though I cannot guarantee a particular result, or be responsible for your decisions, actions, and the outcome of what you do.
Despite my qualifications in mental health, it should be noted that this relationship is a consulting one and not a psychotherapeutic one.
I cannot stand in as your mental health counselor/ therapist and will act as a consultant for specific issues. I cannot help you monitor or manage your mental health if you are wrestling with any diagnosed mental illness, suicide ideation, or a psychotic crisis. I would need an Emergency contact from you, and ask that you have mental health support already in place. If you suffer from severe mental illness, and are seriously contemplating taking your own life, please make sure that you have appropriate support in place. I may also refer you to alternative local services.
The sessions are 50 minutes in duration.
In the case of lateness due to circumstances beyond my reasonable control, your appointment will still need to end on time. If I am late, I will always try to compensate for the lost time- either in the same or the next session. If this is not possible, you are entitled to a partial refund.
You may at any point desire to discontinue our consulting relationship. Whatever the reason, I will respect your decision.
Please always settle the payment for each session no later than 24- hours prior to our scheduled time. If I had not received the payment and cannot reach you, the booking may be cancelled.
If you must cancel or reschedule your appointment, please email to at least 24 hours in advance. The time scheduled for your appointment is assigned to you and you alone. If you miss a session without canceling or cancel with less than 24-hour notice, my policy is to collect the agreed amount of payment.
Our work together remains confidential, which means I will not discuss what we talk about outside of the sessions. However, in exceptional circumstances, I feel that either you or someone else was in danger or at risk of harm, I may have to break confidentiality. If there is a situation during the work in which I become concerned about your safety, I may have to contact the police, hospital, or an emergency contact whose name you have provided. This agreement includes your consent for me to do so in these circumstances. Disclosure may also be required because of a legal proceeding. If you are involved in a serious crime or a custody dispute, for example.
For our online interaction, I make every effort to keep all information about you secure. I use Gmail, and the password to log into the account through which we communicate is not disclosed to anyone else.
Likewise, I encourage you to only communicate through a device and network that you know is secured. Please be aware that it is impossible to completely protect the information transmitted electronically. Therefore, it is agreed between you and I that I will not be liable for the release of confidential information arising from your failure to maintain the privacy of your online communication with me, or from the unauthorized actions or omissions of any third party.
I do not routinely make detailed notes, though I do keep some records of our sessions. They are maintained in a secured location. Verbatim material from our sessions should never be revealed publicly unless both of us agree.
For more information about how the data is handled, please review the Privacy Policy.
Our email exchange is used mainly for discussing logistical issues. I am happy for you to contact me by text message to let me know if you are running late for a session or have to cancel. However, it is not the best method for communicating with me about in-depth matters. I do not discuss issues that concern our consulting process in emails. Please also be aware that email exchange is susceptible to miscommunication, as well as digital viruses and human error.
A part of my working life is in the public domain. I maintain a media presence, and I keep a Facebook Page and a newsletter linked to this practice to share my writing and allow people to share and respond to what I write. You are responsible for any decisions you make based on the information on Facebook, this website and their consequences. I strive to be helpful, but the online content is not legal, medical, professional advice, and should not be used in lieu of such.
I do not accept friend requests from current or former clients on any social networking site (Facebook, Linkedin, etc.). I also do not communicate with Whatsapp.
If you click ‘like’ or ‘follow’ on the Eggshell Transformations Facebook page, others, including myself, may be able to see your online activities. If you are concerned about your privacy, you are welcome to use your discretion in choosing whether to follow the Facebook account. The interactions we have in the comments section on social media do not constitute and is separated from our consulting relationship.
Please do not use the messaging function on Social Networking sites to contact me.
Where suicidality is present during the course of our work, we will create a safety plan together. It may include warning signs that you may be at risk of harming yourself, ways to distract yourself, people to call, crisis hotline numbers, and a referral to enter inpatient care as needed. Due to the online nature of our work, I may decide it is more appropriate for you to work with local mental health services. I may make a referral on your behalf but will always discuss it with you first.
While I cannot provide an emergency service, there are alternatives if you feel you are in crisis. If you have seriously harmed or are considering hurting yourself – for example, by taking a drug overdose – it is vital that you call for an ambulance or go straight to A&E.
By filling in and checking the box about the Working Agreement in the Welcome Form, you agree to the above terms of this Working Agreement and all the provisions contained in our more detailed Terms and Conditions and have given us informed consent in that respect. Your submission of the form will serve as an electronic signature.
If you would like to speak to me about this contract, please write to
I look forward to working with you!
Imi Lo is a mental health consultant, philosophical consultant, and writer who guides individuals and groups toward a more meaningful and authentic life. Her internationally acclaimed books are translated into more than six languages languages and sought out by readers worldwide for their compassionate and astute guidance.
Imi's background includes two Master's degrees—one in Mental Health and one in Buddhist Studies—alongside training in philosophical consulting, Jungian theories, global cultures, and mindfulness-based modalities. You can contact Imi for a one-to-one consulting session that is catered to your specific needs.